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We sell and rent Type III barricades for road closures, sidewalk closures, and general traffic control. These have 3 reflective crossbars and stand on 2 skids. We sell and rent portable flashing arrow boards for advanced warning in lane closures and traffic control in the roadway. These panels have LED lights, onboard controls, and solar panels.
We make speed limit signs, yield signs, stop signs, and all kinds of regulatory signs in our sign shop. We make these to MUTCD standard. We sell and rent most of the typical signs needed for temporary road work and construction sites. Most of these are rented with a tri-pod stand. We make a variety of banners, ranging from simple vinyl banners to dynamic, full-color banners.
We sell a variety of reflective safety vests for construction sites, road work, and mobility crews. We offer Class I and Class II safety vests. We sell reflective safety jackets for crossing guards, police/mobility officers, and construction workers. These jackets are Class III. We sell reflective tape, for barricades or other use.
Reviews (3)
Anthony Vowell
Apr 18, 2019
Glen Bertalotto
Aug 18, 2018
Tony Wheat
Jan 25, 2018